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Every Thursday School in Bogor Mandatory Use Sundanese

Every Thursday School in Bogor Mandatory Use Sundanese

Usage sundanese every Thursday at the elementary school (SD) officially declared as Bogor city by the Regional Secretary Aim Halim Hermana Bogor Mayor Diani Budiarto represent, in a series commemorating the International Mother Language Day was held SDN Gunung Gede Village Babakan Bogor District Central City of Bogor, Thursday (02/28/2013).

Witnessed the launching of the Bogor City Dept. of Education Fetty Qondarsyah, and Head of Culture and Tourism (Disbudpar) Aim Halim Hermana. Additionally Sekdakot attended by former and former Head of Education Bambang Gunawan, Middle Head Rr. J. Estiningsih., And Juanda Rachmaji Babakan village chief, Chief MKKS (Msyawarah Working Principal) Typhoon.

Regional Secretary Bogor Aim Halim Hermana hopes eventually, movement Sundanese language use is not only confined within the SDN Gunung Gede, but also within the other primary schools, even within the middle school, and high school in the city of Bogor, "he hoped.

Aim said the use of Sundanese language pioneered by SDN Mount Gede is a real action or movement that clearly - clearly embodies the spirit and consciousness to melezstarikan Sundanese language as their mother tongue for the majority of the city of Bogor in West Java and the community at large.

"Anyone who thinks he urang Bogor, should feel called and involved a move to try to be present and Sundanese language is used in different activity of daily living. Because, if not urang sunda own doing to anyone else hoping the city, "said Aim.

Additionally, Aim considers that the use of movement within the Sundanese language school, as a form that is more effective for teaching language to children with practice in everyday life.

"The practice should also speak Sundanese diperkarya not only enable konunikasi orally, but must be developed in practice - the practice of written communications, such as the creation of literary works, skillful writing poems, rhymes, making bobodoran materials, short stories, writing songs, writing letters for people old, and so forth, "he said.

According to Aim, Sundanese language of communication can also be a medium to teach children manners of speaking, such as placement in a subtle language, abusive language or language of health.

 Meanwhile, the principal of SDN Mount Gede Mohamad He said the idea of ​​launching sundanese every Thursday in school is because of concerns led the melunturnya Sundanese language Sundanese ditatar, including in Bogor.

The proof, said Wahtu, based on the results of research that Sundanese language is now only 2 percent used by the people of West Java. In fact, each year decreased 3.1 percent. "Hence, we pepolori movement language use at school every Thursday so sundanese not to become extinct," he said.

In addition, the added revelation, he also pioneered the use of a written alphabet kaganga the board sunda school name. In addition to Latin letters, the board later in the school's name will be added to the script sunda kaganga, "he added. (Iso)


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