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BOGORnews == For the first time the United puppetry Indonesia (Pepadi) Bogor gives Awards to the five leaders who care about the arts and culture of Sunda. The award of Pepadi Bogor was done in commemoration of International Mother Language Day, which was centered in Mount Gede Village Elementary School District Babakan Central Bogor Bogor, Thursday (28/02/2013).

The five leaders who received the Awards is the mastermind Jakir, Wiwi Wiarsih (sinden / interpreter kawih), Mohamad Revelation (chief Gede Mountain Elementary School), and Arya Bima (mastermind little), and the School of Natural Bogor Raya.

According to the Chairman of the City of Bogor Shahlan Pepadi Rasyidi, fifth character is judged worthy of receiving the award, because they are very concerned about the art and culture of Sunda. "So, they are consistently and persistently to help preserve Sundanese art and culture," said Shahlan.

Jakir mastermind, had dozens of years now a puppet show, Wiwi Wiarsih is one - the only artist that has so far survived sunda become interpreters kawih or sinden.

Mohamad Revelation one elementary school principal who cares about culture sunda sunda by pioneering the use of language, and rolling rampak Kacapi program for children - the students. Bima Arya is one of the masterminds of the Bogor City have little bearing little champion in the Festival mastermind mastermind se Jabar, and a representative of West Java in the Festival mastermind National level. While Natural schools Bogor Kingdom is one of the schools in Bogor actively puppet show to introduce his protégé.

One of the recipients of the Awards Wiwi Wiarsih proud received the award. "Only this time I got an award as singers after decades of working as an interpreter kawih, besides the award of the City Government in the event helaran," Wiwi said after receiving the Awards

The woman who is now 55-year-old claimed to have been as singers since 1971. "I once accompanied the deceased mastermind mastermind Wirayana Either one figure mastermind of West Java," Wiwi said.

Wiwi Wiarsih besides active as singers, through workshops led Bloom Galuh Pakuan in Kampung Sirna Sari Village Pond South Bogor District, is also actively developing classical dance, gamelan and Sundanese kawih. (Iso)


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